MediSun Research and Trainings


Clitoral Hood Reduction (Hoodectomy)


It is a cosmetic female genital surgery for the removal of excess folds of the clitoral hood, or prepuce- the skin folds that cover and protect your clitoris (part of the vulva, female reproductive system).

This procedure is commonly done along with labiaplasty. 

It is also referred to as Clitoral hoodoplasty or unhooding.

What is Clitoris and Clitoral Hood?

The clitoris and clitoral hood are part of the female reproductive system.

The labia minora (inner lips that surround your vaginal opening) come together to form a small bulge that is your clitoris.

Your clitoral hood is a skin fold that protects your clitoris.

When Should You Get a Clitoral Hood Reduction?

  • Correct birth-related problems
  • Improve the look of genitalia
  • Make the clitoris more accessible for enhanced sexual pleasure
  • Reduce irritation from clothing rubbing

Does Clitoral Hood Reduction Increase Sensitivity?

A clitoral hood reduction does not increase sensitivity. But the procedure exposes more of your clitoris, an extremely sensitive area leading to heightened sexual sensation.

Clitoral Hood Reduction: How to Prepare?   

In some people, the clitoral hood is large with extra tissue. A clitoral hood reduction removes this excess skin.

  • It is an outpatient procedure that takes about one hour
  • You may receive local anesthesia to numb the area
  • Sometimes, your doctor performs labiaplasty and clitoral hood reduction at the same time
  • A labiaplasty trims excess skin from your labia minora (small lips) that surround your vagina

What to Expect After Clitoral Hood Reduction?

You can expect some pain, swelling, and discomfort.

Avoid physical activities following a clitoral hood reduction with labiaplasty.

The swelling should improve in 6 weeks but may still look swollen for up to six months after the procedure.

The procedure improves the appearance and comfort of your outside genitals.

Recovery Tips

  • Apply a cold pack for 20 minutes
  • Elevate your bottom with pillows when lying down
  • Do not bath and gently pat dry the area
  • Pat dry after using the restroom
  • Take antibiotics and pain relievers as prescribed by the doctor
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing to avoid irritation
  • Do not have sex or use tampons for 4-6 weeks

Risks of Clitoral Hood Reduction

In rare cases, your doctor may remove too much tissue or not enough tissue.

Other risks include:

  • Bleeding and bruising
  • Infections
  • Nerve damage

After Clitoral Hood Reduction: When to call a doctor?

  • Excessive bleeding, swelling, or bruising
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Severe pain
  • Signs of infection, like foul-smelling discharge or fever

What are the Benefits of Clitoral Hood Reduction?

  • Increased sexual sensation
  • Enhanced clitoral stimulation
  • Stronger, more frequent orgasms
  • Improved cosmetic appearance of the vulva
  • Decreased discomfort with intercourse
  • More youthful-looking vagina
  • Boost self-confidence
  • Improved relationship with partner

Any woman struggling with physical, cosmetic, or emotional symptoms due to a long clitoral hood can benefit from clitoral hood reduction